Placing a bid on an item you are interested in deposit offer is so easy, when viewing the item details page you will have two areas from where you can place your bid, one next to the item details and a second at the bottom of the page.
To place your bid simply enter the amount you wish to bid e.g. 50.00. Please note no currency symbols are required. The bid will be placed in the auction currency. The interest rate will be calculated automatically based on an annual basis (360 days). We want to err on the lesser amount instead of 365.
Once done you will be asked to review your bid and you will also be able to view vital item details such as the transfer conditions before confirming your bid. To submit your bid simply press the Place Bid button.
If your bid is high enough to take the lead in the auction a confirmation message will be displayed to you, however if your bid has not taken the lead be it due to a higher proxy bid or not meeting the reserve price you will be invited to make a further bid.
Should you decide to retract your bid this can be done via the Current Bids section of the member area.
You can also place a proxy bid, proxy bidding allows you to place your High Bid. At all times you will only pay the lowest required bid should you win the auction. For example, if the current bid on an auction is 500.00 you can place a proxy bid of 2,000. Should you remain the only bidder you will only pay 500.00. However should the item receive other bids the site will automatically re-bid for you (upto 2,000 in this scenario) to ensure you remain in the lead.